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    The International Conferences "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation" have been held biennially since 2002 at the end of May in the historic city of Oludeniz - Fethiye and Antalya, on the Mediterranean Sea, in Turkey. 14 minisymposiums related to various aspects of inverse problems were organized in this conference. The main aim of the Conference is to bring together all classical and new inverse problems areas from various international scientific schools, and to discuss new challenges of inverse problems in current interdisciplinary sciences. All these International Conferences were organizing under the auspices of the leading international journals "Inverse Problems", "Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering" and "Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems".

    The First International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation", sponsored by Fethiye Municipality, Office of Naval Research International Field Office and Naval Undersea Warfare Center (USA), and also by Danish Interdisciplinary Inversion Group (DIIG) (Denmark) was held during July 12 - 21, 2002, in Fethiye, Turkey.

    The Second International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation",  sponsored by Fethiye Municipality, international journals ''Inverse Problems'', ''Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems'', ''Inverse Problems in Engineering'', the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) was held during June 07 - 12, 2004, in Fethiye, Turkey.

    The Third International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation"sponsored by Mugla Governorship, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Oludeniz  Municipality, international journals ''Inverse Problems'', ''Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems'', ''Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering''  was held during May 29 - June 02, 2006, in Oludeniz  - Fethiye, Mugla, Turkey.

    The Fourth International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation"was held in Oludeniz (Fethiye, Mugla) during May 26 -30, 2008 and was sponsored by Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), Mugla Governorship, Ankara Branch of Turkish Mathematical Society, Korfez Municipality, Oludeniz  Municipality, international journals “Inverse Problems”, “Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems”, “Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering”.

    The Fifth International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation"was held during May 24 - 29, 2010, in one of distinguished hotels of the Mediterranean Region, in famous Lykia World & Links Golf Antalya hotel, Antalya, Turkey. The proposed International Conference was under the auspices of the leading international journals, "Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering", "Inverse Problems", "Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems", and the International Society for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (ISIPSE). The organizers of the Conference, in particular the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of Izmir University, Antalya Governorship and Antalya Metropolis Municipality worked to put together an excellent scientific program with social activities consisting of tours to historic places and boat rides.
    Approximately 1250 participants from 50 countries attended these five Conferences. There were about 45 main expository addresses, 35 organized sessions including several mini symposiums and 500 invited talks. These presentations were given by well-known experts in inverse problems.

    The Sixth International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation" held during May 21-26, 2012, in the distinguished hotel of the Mediterranean Region, in famous Lykia World & Links Golf Antalya hotel, Antalya, Turkey. This meeting brought together more than 200 international speakers and exhibitors from over 35 countries world-wide. The Conference was organized by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Izmir University, under the auspices of the leading international journals "Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering", "Inverse Problems", "Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems", “Inverse Problems and Imaging”, and the International Society for Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering (ISIPSE). The main sponsors of the conference were Izmir University and Dođanata Society for Education and Culture.